Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Eating the elephant in your living room

Now I don't mean to mix my metaphors but I think that this title is quite appropriate. Let me explain...
Two things are at play here: The massive issue that is being ignored (the elephant in your living room) and the need to approach a large task one step at a time (Q: how do you eat an elephant? A: bit by bit)
Some of my contemporaries have been expressing a sense of being overwhelmed by the enormity of the task (i.e community project) that they are undertaking, to the extent that they get nothing achieved. Time to break it down into manageable chunks and get some help, me thinks.
As for me, I am suffering from the opposite, in as much as I get so bogged down with minutiae that I loose sight of the bigger picture. I can feel it happening with this blog. The intention was to keep a record of progress with the creative hub project but it is turning into a daily sermon. I have attached too much significance to making daily posts to the detriment of my bigger picture of creating a new future. Could it be that I am missing the elephant in my living room?
Hmmm..somebody hand me that big fork, I'm in the mood for some trunk.

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