Saturday, August 19, 2006

Who's on board?

Thank you to Lee Chalmers for providing me with the quote for the last post, powerful stuff.
One line that stands out is The time of the lonely wolf is over! Gather yourselves.
Asking for help can be one of the hardest things. I am one of those people who always wants to do it on their own, to prove that they are capable of rising to any task. Invariably there comes a point where I make a mistake and all the toys get thown out of the pram. If I am doing it for myself by myself, it is down to me when I lower my standards and say that'll do, and if it seems insurmountable, it is me who decides to give up or maybe,not even try.
But what if I did ask for help at the start? What if I was able to gather a team of people who I trust and admire to help me realise my ambition? What if I had someone to share the responsibility and hold me to account? Perhaps we would see extraordinary results - after all two heads are better than one.
So I am pleased to say that I have done just that and enlisted some help. Two friends have now said YES to the possibility.
The wheels are turning..

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